Today I biked to the Palatine Public Library with one mission in mind, getting a bunch of great new reads. I have been reading the Twilight Saga (yes, I am admitting it) for too long. My co-worker Kate (@katefrankenberg) helped me see that. It was getting to be pretty embarrassing.
Hence my 5 mile bike ride. Minus sweating and my i-Pod dying, I came home with a backpack full of wonderful books. I'm sure some sound familiar, here is what I'm reading:
1. The Fall of Advertising & the Rise of PR (Al and Laura Ries)- Very excited about this one.. "Today's brands are born with publicity, not advertising. A closer look at this history of the most successful brands shows this to be true."

2. Making It In Public Relations- An Insider's Guide to Career Opportunities (Leonard Mogel)- "How to break in, What the insiders say, and advice on finding a job during a tough time." Right up my alley..
3. Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte)- An amazing classic, pretty self-explanatory. Oh Heathcliff...

4. The Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging (By the Editors of the Huffington Post)- "Getting started, getting noticed, building a community, finding your voice, and best practices" Sounds like a good read to me, one can never know too much about blogging.
5. Word of Mouth Marketing- How Smart Companies Get People Talking (Andy Sernovitz, foreword by Seth Godin, afterword by Guy Kawasaki)- Do I even need to explain why I'm reading this one? Didn't think so...

6. Rules for the Unruly (Marion Winik)- "Shows us how taking risks, living creatively, and cherishing our inner weirdness can become the secret of our happiness and success, not our downfall" Written by National Public Radio commentator Marion Winik. For some inspiration.
7. Love is a Mix Tape- Life and Loss, One Song at a Time (Rob Sheffield)- Reccommended by my fabulous co-worker Lauren (@laurensvoboda).
Thank goodness for my three hour commute everyday. All my books are due September 12th.. wish me luck.
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